Miss Fiercalicious

"Why be fierce when you can be Fiercalicious?"

It's the question on everyone's mind when Miss Fiercalicious steps on the stage. Top 4 Finalist on Canada’s Drag Race Season 2, Fierce kept the audience in stitches with her cute demeanor and cutting tongue. Her drag name is a portmanteau of "fierce" and "delicious", two words that she uses to describe how she feels in drag. 

Fresh off winning a WOWIE for Best Twitter Page at Dragcon 2023, Miss Fierce has seriously kept the fun rolling with appearances all over Canada and recently did her premier performance at Roscoe’s Bar in Chicago IL. She is also becoming a sought-after hostess and moderator, and has been in the interviewer chair with even the biggest Drag Race stars. 

She's true, north, strong and Fiercalicious.

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